News & Announcements
Another class of budding scientists demonstrated their curiosity and analytical skills at the NBJH Science Fair. A total of 48 students participated, and 38 students qualified to advance to the Illinois Junior Academy of Science regional competition on March 8 at Wheeling High School.
The district continues to work with DLA Architects to develop plans for school additions and renovations as outlined in the Facilities Master Plan and the proposed $94.9 million bond referendum on the April 1 ballot, said Superintendent Dr. Jason Pearson.
The architects are drawing up basic floor plans to outline square footage and renovations within the funding allocations for each school.
Northbrook Junior High Principal Dr. Scott Meek and Greenbriar Principals Dr. Ginny Hiltz held a book discussion on The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt on Jan. 22.
Their presentation provides overview of the book and resources for parents trying to navigate technology and social media with their children.
The Board of Education approved placing a referendum on the April 1 ballot seeking voter authorization to issue $94.9 million in bonds to fund a comprehensive plan to update the schools.
The District is excited to offer three opportunities for parents and caregivers to come together around topics of interest to our District 28 community.
The Building Tomorrow Together community engagement facilitating team presented their final report to the Board of Education during a special meeting on Dec. 18.
This initiative was launched last fall to gather input from parents, residents and staff on how to address the needs of the district’s four aging schools over the next decade in the area of accessibility, safety and security, operations and maintenance, and capital improvements. A Facilities Master Plan completed last year identified $80 million in needed renovations and repairs. However, the district current revenues can only fund approximately $20 million of these improvements.